Issued by CEMO Center - Paris
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Abdel Rahim Ali: Brotherhood earmarked € 1 mn to influence European Parliament

Saturday 02/June/2018 - 02:06 PM
The Reference

Dr. Abdel Rahim Ali, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of THE REFERENCE and head of the Center for Middle East Studies in Paris, revealed a shocking surprise that the Muslim Brotherhood had earmarked € 1 million to influence the European Parliament.

Dr. Ali told TV show “Facts and Secrets”, presented by anchorman Mustafa Bakri on the independent TV channel Sada El Balad on Friday night, that Europe "is a haven for many of the Brotherhood's leaders despite the fact the organization seeks to destroy the Western culture and civilization.

"The game of common interests and funding drive Europe to host this organization," Dr. Ali said, noting that the Brotherhood pumps large sums of money into Europe to maintain its best interests.   
