Secret documents confirming vast Turkish espionage activities in Greece uncovered

More secret documents have emerged that once again
confirm expanded illegal information gathering and intrusive surveillance
activities in neighboring Greece by Turkey’s National Intelligence Organization
(Milli İstihbarat
Teşkilatı, or MIT) as well as
the Turkish Embassy and its consulates.
The documents lay bare the fact that hostile acts by
Turkish government agents in a NATO ally’s territory continues unabated as the
threat from the long arm of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s relentless pursuit of
critics abroad challenges Greek national security with no sign of it
disappearing any time soon.
The first document, which was stamped secret and
dated March 26, 2019, makes a reference to the spy agency as the code IV
institution and lists 568 people identified through the intelligence gathering
efforts. The Turks targeted by MIT were alleged to have been affiliated with the
Gülen movement, led by US-based Turkish Muslim scholar Fethullah Gülen, an
outspoken critic of the Erdoğan government on
a range of issues from corruption to Turkey’s aiding and abetting of radical groups
in Syria and Libya.
According to the document MIT tracked the movements
of Turkish asylum seekers while they were in Greece and determined that some
had left the country, confirming to which European state or country in the
Americas they had travelled as a final destination after stopping in Greece. Of
the people who were spied on, 288 were described as former government
employees, most of whom had worked in public schools in Turkey before they were
unlawfully purged from their jobs with no administrative of judicial
he document listed 31 as former police chiefs, 23 as
military officers and four as diplomats who worked in the Turkish Foreign Ministry.
All had to flee an unprecedented crackdown and vicious witch hunt launched by
the Erdoğan
government against members of the Gülen movement as part of a transformation
of the government bureaucracy, which is now filled with Islamists, nationalists
and neo-nationalists.
The secret Turkish government document that reveals
the existence of an intelligence report on Greece filed by spy agency MIT was
put in a password-protected digital vault on internal police servers. It was
distributed to dozens of Turkish provinces in a secret message for further
police action against the Turkish asylum seekers identified in the MIT
Hasan Yiğit,
deputy head of the counterterrorism department at the Security Directorate
General (Emniyet) in Ankara, signed the document which warned that the MIT
report would be available in the digital vault for only 24 hours and provided a
passcode to access to the file. Apparently concerned about a leak of the
document and possible fallout from the scandalous activity in Greek territory,
warned the police units that the information must be treated on a need-to-know
basis and must not be shared with any unauthorized third parties.
In another related document, also stamped secret,
Kartal, deputy head of the counterterrorism department at the Security General
Directorate in Ankara, on November 5, 2019 briefed on another intelligence
report collected in Greece, this time not by MIT, but rather by the Turkish
diplomatic missions in Greece. The three-page intelligence report was cabled to
Foreign Ministry headquarters by the Turkish Embassy in Athens and then
forwarded to the police department, MIT and the Ministry of Justice. Code V was
used to identify the Turkish Foreign Ministry as the source of the
Kartal warned that the information must be treated
with the utmost care and handled on a need-to-know basis and asked for feedback
on what action was taken against people identified in the report. The
three-page secret Turkish Embassy report listed 47 Turkish nationals who
managed to escape wrongful imprisonment in Turkey on fabricated charges.
Two days later Ibrahim Bozkurt, deputy head of the
Ankara Police Department, responded to the Security Directorate General, saying
that an investigation into four people whose birth records were located in
Ankara province had been initiated. Similar criminal probes were launched for
others based on their birth registrations in other provinces. The postscript
shows that the letter was shared with the Interpol/Europol section of the
Turkish police department as well. On January 17, 2020 Alp Aslan, deputy
provincial police chief in Ankara, informed the Ankara 16th High Criminal Court
about one person listed in the Turkish Embassy intelligence file as the person
who was being tried in that court.
The second document exposes how the Turkish
government has been using diplomats and consular officers assigned to work in
Greece as undercover agents to spy and collect information in the host nation’s
territory in a blatant violation of the relevant Vienna Conventions.
The immunities and privileges of diplomats and
consular staff are governed by international conventions. Diplomats enjoying
the privileges and immunities described in the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
Relations are under a duty to respect the laws and regulations of the receiving
state and to avoid interfering in its internal affairs as detailed in Article
41. Similarly, consular staff are granted limited privileges and immunities by
the Vienna Convention on Consular Affairs, but host state authorities can start
investigations and prosecute any of the personnel if they perpetrate crimes
inside or outside the consulate premises according to Article 43 of the
This is quite unprecedented given the fact that
Turkey had generally been careful to separate its diplomatic work from
espionage in order to protect its diplomats and consular officers and to avoid
damaging bilateral ties. The intelligence officers attached to Turkish
embassies are known to their host countries and merely function as liaison
officers. However, turning career diplomats and consular officers into spies
marks a new level and dangerous escalation in the governance style of Erdoğan
in Turkey, where some 30 percent of its diplomats including high-profile
ambassadors were purged and/or jailed.
Erdoğan, incriminated
in a major corruption scandal in 2013 that exposed secret kickbacks in money
laundering schemes involving Iranian sanctions buster Reza Zarrab, blamed Gülen
for the graft investigations into his family members and business and political
associates. He branded the group as a terrorist entity although no violent
action has ever been associated with it and launched a major crackdown on the
group, jailing and/or purging tens of thousands of government employees,
unlawfully seizing their assets, shutting down schools, universities, NGOs,
media outlets, hospitals and other entities that were owned or operated by
people associated with the movement.
Letter from the Security General Directorate that
identifies the Turkish Foreign Ministry as the source of intelligence collected
in Greece:
Greece has served as an important destination for
critics and opponents of the Erdoğan
regime including Gülenists
to escape Erdoğan’s wrath as it has both land and sea
borders with Turkey. The Turkish intelligence services, already running
operations to collect information using assets developed from minority Muslim
groups in Greece, have apparently intensified their operations in the
neighboring NATO member. The secret documents show that Turkey keeps tabs on
critics even after they manage to cross into Greece and seek asylum under
international human rights conventions.