Greek islands paying price of refugees' political exploitation

A new publication has come to throw light on the life of the refugees in coastal Greek cities.
The publication, "The Refugee and
immigration phenomenon in Lesvos and the attitudes of the local
community", traces the effects of security problems on the life of the
refugees, especially with tourism in these cities being the main source of
income for their residents.
The authors of the publication
especially dwell on the effects of political conflicts on the social life of
residents in the aforementioned cities.
Syrian immigrants
The authors refer to political conflicts
as the main reason behind immigration, particularly in the case of Syria.
Around 63% of the refugees entering
Greece came from Syria because of the civil war in their country, the authors
They said the numbers of Syrian refugees
have risen noticeably since 2015, which affects the economic conditions of
communities that depend on tourism.
Nevertheless, the authors expressed
fears that terrorists, especially ones belonging to the Islamic State group,
can infiltrate Greece among the refugees.
This prospect, they say, puts more
pressure on security agencies in Greece.
They said this pressure overburdens
security agencies which have to secure the tourists visiting the Greek islands
and the local population of the islands.
Greece has its own economic problems and
the presence of the refugees puts more pressures on the Greek economy, the
authors said.
They added that these tough economic
conditions will make Greek authorities less capable of honoring their
humanitarian commitments towards the refugees who also suffer economic and
political exploitation.
The authors called on international
civil society and humanitarian organizations to participate in finding
solutions to the refugee problem.